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Maybe it's the way we see the world that makes us different. Maybe it's the way we see each other that makes us learn how to love. Maybe it's our anger that separates us. or maybe... Your love is gone and you don't want me anymore.


Takut kehilangan itu wajar. Wajar bila kita sudah pernah mengalaminya. Karena kehilangan selalu diiringi dengan kesedihan, yang cukup lama. Jika kita melihat masa lalu, lihatlah berapa orang yang meninggalkanmu atau kita tinggalkan. Yang awalnya berjanji akan selalu ada, berjanji aka…

No Meaning

I could see my arms wrapped around the world But didnt seem to keep you inside My arms were just another alternative To you How do you explain this kind of feeling? Caring Worrying about someone All I want to do is to save him I've heard one said, "In order to care f…


Tadi, di jalanku kembali ke kantor, aku melalui jalan yang tidak pernah kulalui sebelumnya. Aku selalu ragu untuk melewati jalan itu, karena aku tidak tahu kemana jalan itu menuju. Tapi, tanpa aba-aba aku langsung memillih untuk melalui jalan itu. Walaupun berliku-liku, jalan itu bagus t…


I walked through the lonely road and all I saw was darkness. "Why am I here?", I asked myself. I felt like I've been here yesterday. Was it a dejavu? The road was so empty, yet all I heard was a woman screaming for help. I couldn't see the light in the end of t…