What a nightmare !
Mr. Deni Wahyudi, my "not so handsome but very smart and talented lecturer" said that he found my blog, and read all of my posts. I don't really know what to say.
I'm planning to delete my blog, shut down my PC, burn it. Then I will go somewhere, take my cat with me, and change my identity. (Maybe I will dye my hair blonde, dress and act like native American) LOL, well that's exaggerated.
Okay, maybe I need to calm down. Drink 10 glasses of milk, 10 bars of chocolate, 10 packs potato chips and listening to Lana Del Rey's songs. Feels so heavenly. But, no. I'm here with nothing but all this anxiety, worrying about what's inside his head when he read my whole blog.
All the weird things that I never show him, my super sassy words I used, my "never ending love story for capt", for God's sake that's embarrassing.
I need Hermione's time-turner.
But Hermione's time turner only exist in books and films. Ugh.
I guarantee you all that he will "eventually" open my blog again and read this post. So I have to write something normal. (But writing this post itself is not normal, so yeah whatever)
I'm over this.
Time to sing...
"Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground...
PEN PINEAPPLE APPLE PEN" (Taylor Swift ft. Piko-Taro)
I'm fucked up. Bye.
Antara dosen bahasa indo dn dosen Pariwisata benar2 bs membuat otakmu beku wkwkwkw :D